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Tuesday, December 07, 2010

White Bread

Homemade bread is a joy and a satisfaction to the creative cook and to the conscientious homemaker who knows that it is far superior to most bakery products, not only in flavor but in food values.
As an introduction to bread making, read pages 101-104 which describe the necessary ingredients and explain how to knead and raise the dough. It is essential to knead bread thoroughly and correctly, distributed and the bread will have the perfect texture which marks the superior loaf.
Rinse a large mixing bowl with hot water (a cold bowl delays the action of the yeast). Put in it 1/2 cup lukewarm water (100°F.)
1 tablespoon dry yeast
Let stand 5 minutes. Then stir to dissolve the yeast. Put in another bowl
1 cup milk
1 cup boiling water
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon salt

Stir until lukewarm. Add to the yeast mixture. Add 3 cups bread or all-purpose flour
Mix thoroughly with a spoon or knife. Add another 3 cups flour
Stir vigorously. Add a little more flour if needed to make the dough firm enough to keep it from sticking to the bowl. Put 1/2 cup flour on the mixing board or cloth and use some of it to dust the board very lightly, pushing the rest aside to work into the dough if needed. Turn the ball of dough out onto the board, leaving a clean bowl. Cover with the inverted bowl, and let "rest" 10 minutes which makes the dough easier to work with. Knead.
To shape: Divide the dough into two equal parts. Knead each part to make a smooth ball. Cover with a cloth and let "rest" 10 to 15 minutes. Fold and pull to shape into loaves. Put into two greased bread pans wit the "seam" underneath. Cover and let rise until doubles in bulk ( about 1 hour_) Do not have the pans in a place warmer than 80°F. or there will be a heavy streak on the bottom of the loaf.
To bake: Heat the oven to 400° F. Bake the bread 40 to 60 minutes. Bake at 350° F. if you are using oven-glass bread pans, since oven glass bread pans, since oven glass holds heat longer than metal. The loaf should begin to brown after first 15 minutes. When the bread is done, the bottom will sound hollow when you tap it. The loaf will shrink from the side of the pan and will slip out easily. For a softer crust, brush the bread with melted butter minutes before taking from the oven.
To vary: add fruit or nuts or shape part of the dough into rolls, braids or twists.

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